Living vibrantly by faith

Hebrews 11:1-2 read: Now faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see. This is what the ancients were commended for.

I’ve been thinking about the church that I pastor lately as we look to start to think beyond Covid.  We’ve been in our location for over 50 years and in existence for over 100.   How have we lived not just during Covid but for the decades beyond that?  What has been the legacy of this place?  Living by faith!

Through good times and not so good times my church, Guelph Bible Chapel, has continued to seek to reflect a certainty of the hope we have in an impacting and everlasting life.

After the writer of Hebrews wrote this, he recounted some of the giants of the faith, people like Abraham and Noah but then he pauses and inserts these verses:

All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised; they only saw them and welcomed them from a distance…  People who say such things show that they are looking for a country of their own. If they had been thinking of the country they had left, they would have had opportunity to return. Instead, they were longing for a better country—a heavenly one. Therefore God is not ashamed to be called their God, for he has prepared a city for them.


Faith is often an overused but misunderstood word. We have faith in our training program or our trainer. We have faith our diet will yield the results we’re seeking.  But what does faith mean?  It essentially means to relinquish trust in ourselves and give it over to another. Faith, as the text shows, is the medium by how God makes himself known-it moves mountains, heals the sick, changes the course of people’s lives…and it is the means of entrance into the kingdom of heaven.  Faith then at it cores is faith in Jesus Christ as the son of God who makes us come alive!

So how does this relate to us and our journey as disciples?  It’s not just for a church like mine, or yours, but for us as individuals.  First, understand, God does want us to remember our heritage.  Yes, we learn from it, but it’s there to launch us to greater acts of faith going forward not to rest complacently. This is a call to ACTION!

What is the best legacy we can leave? We see that in verse 16-God was not ashamed of them. 


Great!  What can we learn from these heroes of faith so we can live vibrantly by faith?  

1. They were never satisfied

They kept seeking a deeper relationship with God.  It’s not that things were bad, they just wanted all that God had for them.  Christians are made to climb mountains, not sit on them!  So, let’s go after everything God has for us.

2. They never lost hope

The promises of God are not always realized in this life.  They can be confusing and cause people to walk away and become disillusioned.  It takes a step of faith.  They never gave up.   We should live by faith not by sight [2 Cor.5:7], so let’s not get discouraged.  Stick with it and see God move.

3. They never looked back

We sometimes get a sense of nostalgia looking back, longing for the “good old days”, especially now in the era of Covid.  As with them we should renounce the desire to go back to the way things were settling for the past.  That is especially true in the era we live in right now.  The good old days are still ahead!  It’s great to reflect and celebrate, but let’s not get bogged down and mired in it-let’s keep pushing ahead, bearing fruit and planting shade trees we’ll never sit under.  Our best days are still to come.


How would I sum up?  Faith is often translated into the acrostic: Forsaking All I Trust Him.  That’s what it means to live by faith.  God is definitely not ashamed of those who live this way!  The past is important as a measure but it shouldn’t be a pair of handcuffs. Like a good training journal, it should guide us.  May we take the leap and instead look to build our own legacy, causing a ripple in the pond. May we long to see the Lord work marvelously in OUR age and may we be found faithful!  Do this and you will live vibrantly no matter the circumstances. You’ve got this.

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