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From Fisherman to Disciple

Author: Jason Rhymer

I wrote this as a letter to my friends at the Clergy Health Institute.  Many of them have lost a lot of weight since last summer and radically changed their life.  This is also dedicated to all bootcampers and clients over the years that have embraced the fear of starting to train, and ultimately grown and changed through the journey.  What started as a letter became a personal journey of sorts…

From Fisherman to Disciple

 “Folks, I’m moving to Montana to be an actor,” I said to my parents in the spring of ’96. I had just been hired by the Missoula Children’s Theater to play Johnny Appleseed and tour the US as an Actor/Director for the next year.  Friends laughed and shook their heads, but this experience changed me forever.  I have continued to have an acting career since that year.  Prior to this job, my only acting experience was a few classes in college, community and college theater roles, and a love for working with kids of all ages.  What I didn’t have in theater knowledge, I made up for in work ethic, passion, a desire to help others, and a drive to improve each day.

After my touring days were finished, I thought I would really like to own a gym.  So I moved to Charlotte and got a job with Bally Total Fitness.  Six months later, they offered me a gym to manage in Atlanta.  Then I realized the last thing I wanted was to own a gym.  But I became certified and started a training career.  No formal education, just a simple certification from ISSA and later from Z-Health.  This has been my life for the last 14 years and it has led to speaking engagements, writing opportunities, mentoring other trainers, and numerous business ventures with amazing people.  What I didn’t have in exercise science knowledge, I made up for in work ethic, passion, a desire to help others, and a drive to improve each day.

Today I’m writing this from my church office where no seminary degrees hang on the wall.  Yes, I have several mission trip experiences, and teaching moments (Sunday school and Sunday night youth group) to draw from, but I can’t believe I’m here.  Part of me knew this was coming for a long time.  I have said often that God would pull all of my crazy experiences and skills together some day to do something really special.  I think that day is now.  Honestly, I’m scared and nervous about how this will play out.  But also excited…like when I flew to Montana and when I led my first personal training session.  I trust what got me here…work ethic, passion, a desire…you know the rest.

I believe the disciples surely had moments of staring at Jesus, and thinking, “How did I get here?”  When Jesus walked into a town with the disciples behind him, I’m sure the elite laughed and shook their heads at his “chosen few”.  When he was no longer physically with them and the disciples knew what they had to do, I wonder if they had to lean on the skills learned in their fisherman days: the discipline of early mornings, patience, and trust that they could see this through to the end. What criteria did they have for being a disciple?  What was Jesus thinking?  Apparently, he wasn’t choosing disciples based on status or perfect resumes.  He wanted work ethic, passion, desire, and drive.

Last year, I asked you to add a new title to your life…athlete.  You were nervous, unsure, and felt unqualified.  Where are you a year later?  You are qualified…you can do this because all it takes is effort.  For many of you, I know you have already accomplished more milestones than you ever thought were possible.  What is the next one on your list?  Have you asked yourself, “How did I get here?”  Your journey as a minister has probably taken many twists and turns you didn’t expect.  So can your life as an athlete.  Embrace the journey as “wonderful” rather than worrying if you are doing the right thing or ready for the next challenge.  I will go ahead and tell you that you are probably not ready.  But are you willing?

I’m starting to see a trend in my life.  When I’m willing to go where God leads, no matter how absurd the idea may seem to me, it has worked out.   I’m almost 3 months into my new “gig” as the High School Youth Associate at Myers Park United Methodist Church.  I’m not sure how many 41 year old fitness pros, and actors with Economics degrees start a new life as the “high school youth guy”, but that is where I’m at and I couldn’t be happier.

I hope I have spurred enough thought for you to add the next paragraph(s).  I would love to hear your thoughts!

Live with Strength,

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