Football season ending is a sad time for many of us

When I was a child growing up in Hampton, VA, I didn't always have the best attitude. I often got into trouble at school and had more physical altercations (okay they were fights) with other kids than I care to remember. Fortunately for me I discovered football at a very young age, and quickly fell in love with the sport. Football proved to be a healthy outlet that enabled me to harness my aggression in a positive way. I started playing little league football when I was 9 years old, and continued playing all the way through high school.

The game of football helped me develop as a person more than I ever imagined, and I'm so thankful I was blessed to play this game. Football, as do many sports, help kids to develop life long habits and skills that transcend the playing field. Team work, preparation, discipline, physical conditioning, sportsmanship, respect and leadership skills were some of the important attributes I learned through the game of football. I was fortunate to play for some great coaches who taught us so much more than just the x's and o's of football, but were also interested in seeing us grow and develop into responsible young men.

The demographic breakdown of where I lived also meant that almost all of my teammates on my football team every year were of a different race. I recall some years where there was only one other Caucasian on the team besides me out of thirty kids. This experience brought me many great friendships with kids from all walks of life. I became extremely comfortable early on in life socializing, learning and playing with other kids, regardless of their skin color, or socioeconomic status. I quickly learned as a young boy that it's not how someone looks on the outside that matters because all of us as human beings have the same core needs in life: the need to be loved and accepted, and having a sense of purpose and belonging.

I would also be remiss if I failed to mention the role faith served as a guiding principle in my youth football playing days. Although my grandmother certainly had the single biggest influence on my Christian faith, all of my little league football teams always prayed together before the start of every game. We recited the Lord's Prayer, and to this day I can honestly say that the reason I know this prayer by heart is from all the times this white kid kneeled down and held hands with a bunch of black kids in football cleats and shoulder pads every Saturday in September and October.

Yes, another football season has come and gone. The NFL season culminated with a very disappointing finish in a blowout Super Bowl victory for the Seattle Seahawks over the Denver Broncos. The game was seemingly over as soon as it started. Although each year, football only lasts for a season, I'm thankful that the game I love has taught me so many valuable lessons that last a lifetime.

Peace, balance, health and happiness,


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