Fake news vs. good news…what is truth?

If you’re like me, you likely get inundated on social media by ads for the ‘miracle diet’ or the ‘secret training plan the pros don’t want you to see’.  We see things that promise us all the gains or losses we want…for a fee.  This is ‘fake news’. Ever think of it that way?   I’m not going to delve into the political quagmire of this issue other than to say we all need to develop discernment to know truth from fiction.  What I would prefer to remember is that we who know Jesus have the Good News of the Gospel to share and there’s nothing fake about it. 

So, rather than consider ‘news’ I would prefer that we think a bit about truth which in the end really is intimately connected.  I think back to the old TV series, the X-Files [not the new one, I didn’t watch it] and their handle: ‘the truth is out there’.  Truth used to be something, I think anyway, that was taken for granted because it was known. Society knew what was real, accurate and absolute. A consensus existed. 

But today that’s not the case. 

Truth today is fluid

Truth now is presented as something that’s fluid at best and unknowable at the worst. A common thought now is: how can we know the truth when it’s constructed based on our own reality?  While this may seem like a liberating thought coming out of the age of legalism especially in the church it’s a dangerous recipe for dissatisfaction with life and a lack of peace. Have you ever had someone argue with your fact-based training plan preferring the latest fad or what they heard from someone at the gym?  You know what I’m talking about. 

The same thing happens in our broader lives.  With no truth, no absolute reality, how do you measure anything?  Life then becomes a series of unconnected episodes with no point of reference. We end up isolated and alone with little connection or commonality- hardly satisfying. No, truth gives us parameters and understanding allowing us to not only function but thrive. Truth is liberating.

The Bible tells us there is truth, A truth, and we can know it.  Jesus said: you will know the truth and the truth will set you free (John 8:32). What truth is He referring to?  That we are slaves to sin but through His death, burial and resurrection we have been set free.  We try to do things our way, like rewriting truth, and the result is a tension-filled reality which looks a lot like a child throwing a temper tantrum because they want to do things their own way.  Truth, boundaries, absolutes, free us to live secure in the knowledge of what is and isn’t expected of us.

Jesus said he is THE truth

Jesus went further than that, He also said He is THE Truth when he declared He is the way, the truth and the life (John 14:6).  This idea builds on the previous statement. He is not just A way or truth or life, but THE way, an absolute. He is the way to God.  Life is fulfilled in and through Him and what He has shared with us is the truth.  I know, this is a hard thing to accept since it requires surrender, an accepting of this truth rather than one of our own creation. But as with the truth of the law of gravity, when we accept and don’t fight it, we become grounded.

So, what does this mean for us?  We can’t make the truth what we’d like it to be; it’s not a construct or something of our making. But it is a choice.  Truth about God, eternity and morality are absolute, they are not relative, and they are found in the Bible. It’s not an either/or proposition, it’s a choice. We choose who we’ll follow based on His criteria.

Make your choice

What choice have you made?  Do you know the Truth? Have you been set free?  Are you living the life God has created you for?  If not, why not?  Seek after it, the Truth is out there. Accept the free gift of THE Truth and LIVE the freedom to enjoy the life God has planned for you!  There’s nothing fake about this news, its Good News, perhaps the best news we’ve ever heard.  I hope it is for you as well. Remember this and be patient the next time someone wants to share with you the latest ‘thing’ they heard that is going to revolutionize their training.

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