Facebook Fitness

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An emerging fitness trend is online health and wellness groups. I started offering spiritually based wellness programs and challenges through closed Facebook groups in 2012. Hosting these online sites has been such a reward! Success has been reached by participants who are achieving measurable weight and inch loss. Women have consistently lost anywhere between 5 and 20 pounds per 8 week period.


I decided to create this form of online training because women from out of state were contacting me for fitness, wellness and general nutritional guidance. Along with those from out of state, there were many ladies in my community with limited time and financial resources who desired accountability and spiritual encouragement along with practical health information and simple exercise routines they could implement at home.


Many of the ladies who join these groups are new to exercise and healthy eating or have let good habits slip for a season and want to get back on track. Having accountability and spiritual encouragement has been key to them advancing from couch potato status to getting at least thirty minutes of movement a day and making better nutritional choices. Traditionally I have combined general nutritional guidance, spiritual leadership, exercise or walking plans, goal setting, recipe sharing, accountability, and transparency components into each group.


You don't have to be a fitness professional to be successful in using Facebook for online fitness groups …


One of the great benefits of social online media sites is that you can create closed groups with friends and family with like interests and goals. Your group may be comprised of several busy moms who need to work out during their child's nap time. Maybe you may feel like your alone in your fitness and wellness efforts, but you have three friends in three different states who are all chasing after health. Get together to form an online group and start encouraging each other daily. Are a newbie to exercise? Walking may be your perfect starting place. Ask a few friends to join you in a group and post your daily walking route or mileage and post your food journal for accountability.


Getting Started

  1. Create a closed group on Facebook.
  2. Invite other like minded individuals to join. Consider friends, family or some of your congregation members.
  3. Order Fit For Freedom, Healing for your Body, Soul and Spirit as a spiritual resource and discussion guide (available at Amazon.com in paperback and Kindle versions).
  4. Tap into extra FREE resources available at www.faithandfitness.net/freedom including PDF printable downloads with scriptures, prayers, a grocery shopping guide, etc.
  5. In your first post define the mission of the group and write a brief paragraph asking participants to actively encourage each other and post often.
  6. Get creative and set 6 or 8 week goals for the group. For example: Get ready for a “Couch to 5K” event, lose 10 pounds, doing the same workout video 3 times a week, biking 5 miles a day… it can be anything that promotes a healthy lifestyle.


Managing a group may seem overwhelming for you to take on, so here's another social media idea:

Expose yourself. There was a period of time that I was really struggling with a bit of weight that I wanted to get off before I took my next hiking trip to Oregon. I knew those extra pounds would compound pressure on my low back, hips, knees and ankles when I was hauling myself and a backpack up the side of a mountain. I created a Facebook site called “My Big Fat Food Journal” and each day I would post what I ate along with pictures. Talk about being an open book! My page was open to the public and I personally invited people to keep me on track. I wanted and NEEDED that accountability and chose not to hide even though I was a fitness professional struggling to get back into top condition.


Here are a few testimonials of how online groups have served some of the individuals I have worked with:


I was blessed to be involved in an online version of Laurie's Fit Girls 40 Day Challenges. I've struggled with my weight off and on for 25 years. I recently turned 45 and was tired of just being tired. During the challenge we were paired with an accountability partner and encouraged to post our daily food diary online, which are two things that helped create an environment for success. We were also provided with options for an exercise plan that did not require a gym membership and could be done at home. The online group was a safe environment to be transparent with my food intake, any daily struggles and the emotions I was experiencing. It was a place of encouragement and an important part of that was a daily motivational devotion post from Laurie. I lost 18.5 lbs during the challenge but gained a deeper insight into how to love myself the way God loves me. I am not finished with my fitness goals but I am continuing the journey to a healthier me. – Andrea


I have always struggled with being overweight, but somehow managed to lose a significant amount of weight before I got married. After getting married and having two wonderful children, each bringing their own 10 extra pounds, weight loss wasn’t any easier. After trying on my own without much success, I reached out to Laurie and joined her online group. It was great to have accountability, motivation, and encouragement from other women just like me. Knowing that other people were praying for me without judgment and encouraging me to stay on track, I was able to lose inches and the extra pounds. The most rewarding part of all was fitting into my wedding dress again! – Sarah


When I asked a few friends if they would like to have a Facebook discussion group based on the Fit For Freedom wellness devotional, I truly didn’t know what a treasure it would be. There is a level of openness that may not even have happened on a walk together, but developed on social media where you could take time for each one to share the deepest part of her heart. It has been encouraging to journey together and wonder at the unique ministry of the Holy Spirit to give each person exactly what she needed. We’ve been great cheerleaders and non judgmental listeners for one another. I think this is just the beginning. As a goal we’ve committed to a Zoo Walk in March and look forward to actually having face time! – Lisa


If you are involved in an online fitness group I would love to hear your story! If you need more assistance in starting an online group based on Fit For Freedom feel free to contact me at l7graves@gmail.com.



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