By Brent Hardy

As human beings we are all driven for something. There is a deep “why” behind our actions to take on any task at hand. This is where motivation comes from. It’s our reasons and drive for a specific behavior. It is important to know why you do what you do. Now, you might say “I have read books” or “I desire to take advantage of today but not motivated to get it done.” I know all of you are motivated by something to do something. Prime example is the New Year’s resolution for fitness, business, and personal development to aim for. Though, around mid-February majority of the population lose their motivation and drive. Side note, whatever you wanted to complete this year you still have time, begin again. 


Everyone can be motivated at first, but the struggle seems to be maintaining motivation. Being knowledgeable of different types of motivation with help increase your motivation. Knowledge is power, so once we know these motivations, we have the power to make change. There are three types of motivations: external, internal, and a-motivation. External has subcategories that shift to be more internally driven instead of just pure external reward. Internal motivation is specifically driven off a behavior for the benefit of our mental well-being and pure enjoyment. Below are the different types of motivation based off the Self-Determination Theory from sport psychology (Rigby & Ryan, 2018):

1. External (Extrinsic) Motivation with subcategories of:

      a. External Regulation: focus on a reward or afraid of punishment
      b. Introjected: self-control, ego involvement, shift to internal reward
      c. Identified: you do it because it’s your identity and value based
      d. Integrated: combination of your identity with internal self-satisfaction

2. Internal (Intrinsic) Motivation: personal enjoyment and self-fulling with no need of specific reward.

3. A-Motivation: No motivation, but does the task

Motivation is simply attaching an emotional behavior to a specific task or outcome. Typically, anyone that is intrinsically motivated will last longer than someone who is externally motivated since they are driven for deep personal satisfaction. Our human emotions are typically unstable and inconsistent. If we only pursue our passions or desires with an emotional high, we would rarely reach the goal since we go through times of emotional lows. Again, the problem is not that we are not motivated. The issue is we have trouble with maintaining a consistent motivation due to our emotions.

Have you ever wondered where motivation originates from? When we break down the actual word “motivation” it simplifies into the word “motive.” Once, you tie an emotion to a motive then you get motivation (emotion + intention leads to action). Where do motives come from? Let’s look to the source of truth, the Bible.


Motives come from our heart. Knowing that your heart is the source of motives will empower your drive. The heart is where our deep internal intentions surface and it is the exact place where God wants to dwell in. Anytime you desire to do something look to your heart.

God desires us to be both internal and externally motivated. This is the development of ‘Eternal Motivation’ (combination of external and internal motivation with heavenly perspective, focus, and drive) which is a type of motivation that is everlasting and never failing. We are to run to win, but also be content with what we have. This is possible by having a relationship with Jesus. Once we are made new in Christ  you will find new motivations to strive and reach for. We begin to strive for heavenly prize as our eternal drive and desire. This is the shift in perspective. Our motivation needs to be both for internal satisfaction and external motivation that we should aim for. No matter what you face eternal motivation will help you to never give up.

In this life we should externally strive, grow, and impact (yourself and others). Internally, we should need nothing and be at grateful for what we have. Basically, eternal motivation means I will work extremely hard to achieve the goals and desires placed in front of me in all aspects of life (personal and professional). I will aim to win and be the best possible I can be, but internally I will be grateful and content. Not worried about the outcome to distort my well-being. Outwardly, I will be driven for a cause and inwardly I will be at peace. When we have internal peace our emotions are more stable and steady. This is the embodiment of humility entirely. It will not always be like this because we will have some sort of internal discontentment, but I hope you understand the idea.


Eternal motivation mindset will help you maintain consistency and build resiliency.  Instead of relying on fleeting emotions as motivational drivers. You will have more steady and stable emotions because of following Jesus. My prayer and heart are for all of you to be motivated consistently in your life. Eternal motivation is consistent and never failing like our God who never fails.

Now, you will able to truly tap into your potential and pursue what you been wanting to pursue. No more roadblocks, but now have a consistent force within you that is willing to keep moving forward because God calls us to keep going forward. Eternal motivation is what your heart needs to be consistent with your goals and desires for your life. Your emotions with be stable because you have Christ who is always stable. So, press on outwardly and be at peace inwardly.

Be Strong and Courageous

Research Article: Rigby & Ryan. Self-determination theory in human resource development: new directions and practical considerations. Adv in Developing Human Resources. 2018. Vol 20 (2) 133-147.

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A New New Year’s Resolution 

Not Another Year of Resolutions

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