I like high energy music. One of my favorite artist who has produced some of the best creative and inspiring music like this is Andy Hunter. Way back in 2002 his album Exodus began with the song Go. Other than the word “Go” the only other up front words/lyrics are, “brace yourself”. In many ways it has the heart pounding feel of getting on that newest and most daring roller coaster for the first time, going up to the top of the first big hill, looking out far and getting to that point just before you go into that thrilling fall when your heart tells you to brace yourself. Take a listen to it while you’re running, or lifting or doing whatever demanding physical workout you do.
Andy described his album this way, “Exodus is a journey into the presence of God: to hunger for God in a passionate way, craving that intimacy and hearing the spirit; to commit everything we are, and to say that we are going to run for and live our lives one hundred-percent; to be movers and shakers for the cause of our love, wherever that leads us… even into the desert of our lives; and to ask questions and find answers of who we are and where we are going.”
Yeah, when you give your fitness lifestyle, your vocation, your whole being to God and choose to take the ride of your life in that way then BRACE YOURSELF!
The October/November 2021 issue of Faith & Fitness Magazine I think is divinely engineered to fuel this kind of anticipation. The theme is Go Big. That is also the theme for our 2021 redefined – a faith and fitness conference by Faith & Fitness Magazine in San Antonio and online. The conference is especially for fitness or wellness professionals and church and community leaders who want to redefine how they do fitness with a Christian faith-centered approach. The magazine is for absolutely everyone. The focus to Go Big is invitation an invitation to all of us – you too, to seek God for a greater vision of who, where and what.
Who can you invite to join you in fitness? Where can you get active that has never seen your presence before? What different ways of doing fitness does God want you to do? Brace yourself – because you can’t know yet where God will lead you if you truly ask those questions.

Faith in and obedience to God are lot like pulling that locking foam covered harness over you head when you get on the roller coaster. It’s good to know you’re secure. At the top, just before you really GO, it also restrains you from getting off the ride if your unsure or fearful.
I invite you to join me in this prayer, “God, show me how you want me to go with my faith, with my fitness will all of who I am. Help me to eagerly anticipate the new and better journey you have for me. Thank you that you would graciously call and use me. Help me to depend entirely on you God to be led and faithfully Go Big.”
when you pray that – brace yourself.
More On Brace Yourself From Our Social Media

How do you brace yourself for the really big stuff. That new personal best in the gym is just the tip of the iceberg – easy compared to tough life challenges or the “life or death” moments.
YOU can’t brace yourself for it all – not enough. In the really GO BIG times in life God wants you to lean on others. God wants you to be the one to help brace others. Both require humility, grace and compassion.
Join us and others as we pursue God together in the new October/November issue of Faith & Fitness Magazine in what it looks like to GO BIG.
Brace yourself because someone needs you today.
Read more at https://faithandfitness.net/brace-yourself/

Ready to GO BIG? We’re talking about some really heavy lifting in the new October/November 2021 issue of Faith & Fitness Magazine.
This kind of heavy lifting? Well, maybe some. Sure, after all we are a fitness magazine. But we really want to help you to lift heavy SPIRITUALLY.
Like how to get down (not just on your knees but) on your face and do some serious prayer when the prognosis isn’t just bad but hopeless.
Like lifting others up not just because you’re a really nice person that likes to be known as someone who knows how to spread positivity but because it’s in your DNA and you’ve discovered that God’s grace, promises and joy aren’t just efficacious but also infectious.
Let’s GO BIG not just because we know we’ve got it in us but because we know who put it in us. Heavy lifting isn’t about proving something to yourself or showing off in front of others. You lift heavier not because you’re a servant to the mindset but because you’re driven with the anticipation of seeing what only God’s Spirit can perform through your obedience to Christ’s calling for your life.
Can you do it? Yes, when you stand firm with the belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.
Put on the whole armor of God and … Brace yourself!
Read BRACE YOURSELF my blog post that offers a context for our October/November 2021 issue of Faith & Fitness Magazine. It’s online at https://faithandfitness.net/brace-yourself/ or just go to our homepage link in our bio. You’ll find it featured on our homepage.
Message us, email or text us and share how your life is demonstrating #IchooseBIG