For I will restore health to you and heal you of your wounds,’ says the Lord.
Jeremiah 30:17 (NKJV)
Whether you are on a journey to get in better shape and improve your health or if you are battling a life-threatening illness, God wants to heal you.
Many people commit to getting healthy at the beginning of the year. Most New Year’s resolutions include things like losing weight, eating better, and starting an exercise program.
Those are all great intentions, but when they stand alone, outside of the overall picture of your life, they are bound to fail.
God is our Creator and therefore He is our Help and our Healer. He is the one who knows how we need to live our lives, even how we eat and exercise, so that we can live our best lives.
Oftentimes, we set these goals because we want to look a different way, to look “better,” to be accepted or to fit in. Sometimes we realize we need to set goals because we’ve failed to take care of ourselves, of the body God entrusted to us. Over time, people tend to fall into habits that aren’t so good for them.
God wants to restore us. Not only does He want to restore our physical health but also our spiritual and mental health as well. He wants to restore us to a healthy version of ourselves so that we can live the life He’s called us to live. It is difficult to ask the Lord, “What’s Next?” and be ready to obey when we lack energy and stamina, and when we don’t feel good about ourselves.
I don’t know where you are on your healthy living journey. But, if you feel like you’ve fallen off the wagon, so to speak, or gotten off track, God wants to restore you to health. He wants to restore you to health so that you are free to be who He created you to be. He has a plan and a purpose for you.
If you are fighting a battle of deteriorating health due to severe illness or disease, God is your healer. I don’t know how He will choose to heal you, but I know He can and He will, in His way and in His time. He has a plan for you, and there is purpose in where you are right now.
No matter where you are today and what kind of healing or restoration you need, know that your Creator knows exactly what you need and is ready to heal and restore.
We serve a mighty God!
Action Step
Spend time with your Healer each day this week. Implement one new healthy habit and practice it daily, then get ready for Him to show you what’s next.