The golden years, active aging, silver sneakers, retirement… NO WAY! Our 50 + department delivers content for older bodies that want to stay young in spirit.
God created everything through him, and nothing was created except through him. John 1:3 (NLT) This verse is written about beautifully in a devotional I’ve ...
50+: Retirement is not the state of perpetual self-indulgence. You have a wealth of experience and immense value. Bruce Gordon shares insights to serving God with ...
50+: You’ve seen it - segregation of the gym into ages and stages. There is a movement toward the integration and development of relationships with ...
50+/WOMEN'S INTEREST: At the age of fifty-one, Rose Mary Fries has been a competitive bodybuilder for more than thirty years. Her limits are set by ...
50+ DEPARTMENT: In this two part series we look at one of the most critical aspects of training over 50: alignment and posture. Training even with the ...
50+: ‘Social media’ are two words that make many people cringe. It can be too revealing and overwhelming. For Charles Capone social media just so happened ...