Media Kit

We are Lifestyle Media Group Inc., a Christian ministry incorporated in Virginia in 2011 serving as a 501 (c) (3) federally tax-exempt non-profit charity. We’re a community and a content company that produces 4 fully-online free magazines:

  • Faith & Fitness Magazine (flagship brand continuously online since 2003)
  • map – A Travel Lifestyle Magazine
  • ripen – a gardening lifestyle magazine

Nobody else does content like us. Our team of experts and contributors ignite the passion of the spirit so that you can BE LIFE – the life of Christ to others.

If you like to get active, explore, grow and be outside we have what you need. We develop content that helps you celebrate your vibrant lifestyle with a Christ-centered world view.

Women and men make up our audience profile. No matter your age, where you live, or anything else we help you to be alive, be equipped, be community and be new.

We know you’re called to live a robust and transformed life. We’ll help you discover how faith in God can make your life come alive. We won’t preach to you, we’ll reach with you.


Take a look at the many ways you can get in front of our community. Pick one and we’ll get you started right away. Can’t decide? Do more than one and save. AND, these are just the basic options. We can customize marketing services that will present you and your product or service in ways that the usual social media can’t.

SITE-WIDE TOP BANNER: Get prime exposure at the top of every page for 90 days.

NEWSLETTER: We have a monthly newsletter that delivers direct to subscribers’ inbox. It is released via Constant Contact to our mailing list. With this marketing service you are the sponsor of two consecutive monthly newsletters with the placement of your advertisement. During that 2-month period, we do a special mailing to subscribers’ inbox that is exclusively about your organization.

TEXT LINKS: We’ll create 3 text links to your organization/product/service in some of our more popular searched and found features. Once placed, they stay as links for a 1-year period with the option for you to renew. This is one of the most affordable ways to have ONGOING PRESENCE in Faith & Fitness Magazine.

SINGLE PAGE SQUARE AD: Get your message on any single page in Faith & Fitness Magazine including the homepage for 30 days.

DEPARTMENT SPONSOR: Own your place in the faith and fitness marketplace. We have 20 different departments that each bring focus to an aspect of this lifestyle and capture the attention of a submarket that is just right for you.

EVENT EXPOSURE: Want to shake hands, have a conversation, demo your latest and influence others directly? Get connected in-person (and virtually too) via our events and networking.

SPECIAL SECTION WITH ADVERTORIAL: Draw special attention on our homepage and beyond to who you are and what you do. You get to sponsor, with a banner ad, a special focus section that includes two of our articles plus your advertorial. This delivers both short term and long term exposure. That’s just for starters! We can add 1-time or weekly LIVE social media to drive engagement further.

AUDIO/VIDEO ADS: Insert your 30 second ad in one of our new audio or video features.


Take a look at some of the media companies, news sources and organizations that have drawn on our expertise in the field of faith and fitness.

Are you are a media company (tv, radio, newspaper, magazine, online, etc) or a business or organization in need of an established source for your “faith and fitness” related story or report? CONTACT US for immediate support. We have contacts with a wide range of experts and personalities throughout the United States and worldwide to help you efficiently and quickly tell your story.

The Healthy Living Show on the Christian Broadcasting Network did a 22 minute segment about Faith & Fitness Magazine, the initiatives were doing with Garage Gym Church and then our other 3 Lifestyle Media Group magazines.
CBS This Morning did asked us to contribute perspective to their segment on church gyms and ministry.
We have contributed to the fitness work and conversations that the Association of Church Sports & Recreation Ministries (CSRM) provides to it’s members. We’ve presented sessions at their Reach Gathering.
Outside Magazine sent a reporter to cover Faith & Fitness Magazine’s Redefined Conference for their health and wellness story, Thou Shalt Work Out.

More to come:

  • Multimedia (Promotional material such as posters like the current ecoPrint, Promo photographs, radio interview, sound bytes).
  • Branding with style guide (used to give people access to quality logo’s for different uses and a style guide so you’ll know how to use it).
  • Advertising information such as current and past clients, placement and additional information about how the service works. Statistics that help you understand our market and trends.
  • Legal information will tell you what you need to know about how all of the media is owned and controlled by Lifestyle Media Ground. This is helpful for you to request permission for reprints, give proper attribution and license our media.

Lastly, to simplify all of this, what you can do is just put it all on a page as text, media with thumbnails and linked documents and downloads for easy selection. I personally think it would also be good if there are any packages of media that you think people may want as a bundle, you could offer it as a zip file.

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