She’s Quite the Pill Pt. 2

In part one we talked about how there are many mostly unknown downsides for women, and especially very young women, from being on hormonal birth control. In some cases, the motivation for this is to be able to have sex while you are unmarried and not get pregnant. It turns out that there are many other negative potential outcomes for women who don’t get married but are still sexually active, without any intention of having children in the near term.

To begin with, sexually active women are about twice as likely to get an STD as are sexually active men. The skin of the vagina is thinner than the skin of the penis and is easier for pathogens to penetrate. Also, the environment of the vagina being continuously moist and warm is much more receptive to bacteria etc. This is the reason that women get yeast infections so easily. The anatomy of women’s pelvises makes detecting STI’s difficult and since many of them are asymptomatic, years can go by before they are detected. By this time many have Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID) which can make them unable to have babies.


STDs hit their highest rate ever beginning in 2015 and have continued to rise. One in four sexually active teenagers have an STD, and by the time they are 25 years old, one in two will have one. Some of them, for instance gonorrhea, have been treated so much in the population that they are becoming antibiotic resistant.

These are just the beginning of the downsides of a culture that pushes our young people away from traditional courtship, marriage, and family. Women’s reproductive cancers have become epidemic over the last 100 years. As a matter of fact, breast cancer became the number one cancer diagnosis in the world in December 2020. At that point it surpassed lung cancer, the long-time champion at killing. We should remember that 99% of people diagnosed with breast cancer are female. Experts estimate that 21st-century women are suffering breast cancer at a rate that is 100 times greater than ancestral women. More on the causes in a bit.

“21st-century women are suffering breast cancer at a rate that is 100 times greater than ancestral women”


Women’s reproductive cancers as a whole are deadlier than men’s reproductive cancers. As an example, the number of new prostate and breast cancers are pretty much equal, but women are about 45% more likely to die from their disease. Some other important scientific and medical knowledge all young females should be aware of is that their sexual lifestyle greatly influences whether or not they will develop reproductive cancers.

Starting from the outside of a female’s sexual anatomy and working in, the risk of vaginal and cervical cancer is increased by becoming sexually active at a young age, and multi-partner sexual activities. Uterine and ovarian cancers are increased by none or low numbers of pregnancies, and older age at the time of becoming pregnant. Breast cancer risk is raised by delayed childbearing, and fewer pregnancies. Uterine ovarian and breast cancer risk is also raised by none or little breast-feeding. Breast cancer risk is raised by early term abortion. Finally, a recent study has shown that the risk of all women’s cancers is raised by 91% for women who have had 10 or more sexual partners!


Much of the greater cancer risk can be attributed to the fact that we live a very unnatural lifestyle that is so different from our ancestor’s. Females in the past, when they became fully sexually mature around 19 or 20, got married and soon got pregnant. Because they breast-fed long-term, which again is good for them and the baby, their cycles did not restart until they weaned the baby at about age 3. At that point they became fertile and often became pregnant again. Currently women breast-feed if at all, for less than a year.

“Much of the greater cancer risk can be attributed to the fact that we live a very unnatural lifestyle”

This process repeated itself again and again especially during the ages from 19 to 29 which is women’s peak fertility and then declined in their early 40s. Because they were continuously either pregnant or nursing, they ended up having only about 160 lifetime menstrual cycles versus the 450 modern women have. Each time an egg follicle ripens and bursts in the ovary to begin ovulation a tear and scarring is created in the ovary. Also, every time a woman has a cycle the cells in her breasts change. Both of these circumstances raise the chances of a cancerous mutation when they happen repeatedly. In later posts we will learn the value of what I have named Natural Lifestyle Matching.

The wonder and blessings of motherhood as part of a married husband-wife team!


It turns out that God has created a physiology in women that is greatly protective if they live a certain kind of lifestyle. The picture looks something like this: getting married relatively early, having babies early, having several, and nursing each of them for an extended period of time. Remember the very first thing God said to Adam and Eve in the garden in Genesis 1:28 was “be fruitful and multiply”. Like all of God’s other words of wisdom – they are words to live by!

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